Become a Sponsor

Fab11 is only possible through the generosity of our sponsors.


Check out the various levels of contribution below and the cool rewards you’ll receive, in addition to knowing you’re making a difference in the Fab Lab world.

For specific questions email: Sarah <<at>> FabLabHub <<dot> org.

Fab Visionaries

President Obama Hearing about Fab Labs from Neil Gershenfeld

President Obama Hearing about Fab Labs from Neil Gershenfeld at the 2014 White House Maker Faire


Create a New Full Branded Fab Lab in the community with which you choose to partner OR fund a Mobile Fab Lab like the MIT Fab Lab seen here at the White House Maker Faire in July 2014.






Fab Lab Underwriters

Fund 3D Printers, Laser Cutters, & other Fab Lab tools that will be used for Fab11 Workshops and then stay in the city to help start new Fab Labs in the Boston area.  A portion of this contribution level can be in-kind equipment.

Fab Movers & Shakers
$50,000 to $99,999

  • Opportunity to present a 1.5 hour workshop during the week-long Annual Meeting attended by an estimated 700 participants; topic coordinated with Fab11 Organizers
  • 4 full conference registrations that include the Annual Meeting morning talks at MIT and the Symposium on Thursday, as well as all receptions and social events
  • Exhibit Space at the public Fab Fest in 1 location of your choice of either Boston, Cambridge or Somerville
  • Name & Logo in the program, on signage in Super Lab, and on the Fab11 website
  • Social media acknowledgement through Facebook & Twitter
  • Opportunity to provide product for gift bags

Fab Sponsors
$25,000 to $49,999

  • 10 x 20 expo space in the Super Lab area in Cambridge where much of the Annual Meeting activities will take place. Includes table and 2 chairs with electricity
  • 2 full conference registrations that include the Annual Meeting morning talks at MIT and the Symposium on Thursday, as well as all receptions and social events
  • Exhibit Space at the public Fab Fest in 1 location of your choice of either Boston, Cambridge or Somerville
  • Name & Logo in the program, on signage in Super Lab, and on the Fab11 website
  • Social media acknowledgement through Facebook & Twitter
  • Opportunity to provide products for attendee gift bags

Fab Production Partners
$10,000 to $24,999

Join the Super Lab area where members meet daily for workshops, hands-on making sessions and networking. Production partners support the annual meeting and receive:

  • 10 x 10 expo space in the Super Lab area in Cambridge where many of the Annual Meeting activities will take place. Includes table and 2 chairs with electricity
  • 1 full conference registration that includes the Annual Meeting morning talks at MIT and the Symposium on Thursday, as well as all receptions and social events
  • Exhibit Space at the public Fab Fest in 1 location of your choice of either Boston, Cambridge or Somerville
  • Name & Logo in the program, on signage in Super Lab, and on the Fab11 website

International Fab Lab Attendee Scholarship

Togo Fab Lab Team

Togo Fab Lab Team

The cost of traveling to Fab11, especially for attendees from developing parts of the world, is quite high.  You can “Adopt a Fabber” and cover their complete travel expense including conference registration [$750], hotel, local transportation & meals for one week, airfare, visas and related expenses.  Like our Best Project winners from Togo last year, many Fab Labs in underserved communities are doing some of the network’s most innovative work.  Please help us bring these fabulous makers to Fab11!